Our Goal: We want to create the opportunity for as many students in New Hampshire to experience engaging, thought provoking, and fun hands-on activities that will allow every student to be involved and excited about learning in a cooperative environment. We’re hopeful that this experience will excite students to learn more about STEM opportunities as a future career by using STEM activities as a catalyst for students to become future Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians, and Technology specialists. We’re also hopeful the teachers that visit our classroom will be inspired to do more STEM activities back in their classroom. Summer camps are open to students in grades 3rd-8th grade. GRADE 3-5 CAMP – (CSI – STARBASE) June 24 – 27 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM CSI STARBASE will focus on solving a mystery using science like fingerprinting, DNA, powder analysis, etc. GRADE 6-8 CAMP – (Coding and Robotics) July 8 – 11 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Students will build and program the LEGO Spike robots, as well as learn and use computer Coding that leads to creating things and then we will 3D print them during this week of activities. GRADE 3-5 CAMP – (The World Around Us & Energy) July 22 – 25 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Students will deal with wind, sun, and air in numerous activities during this camp, including using a solar oven, making ice cream, and other fun activities. GRADE 6-8 CAMP – (Engineering) August 5-8 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Students will work with a CAD (Computer Aided Design) program, Bridge building, Coding, and making a Rube Goldberg, among other fun activities. PLEASE Send completed form to Office@starbasenewhampshire.com or send to the address below. N.H. National Guard Edward Cross Training Complex 722 Riverwood Drive |